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Windows Live Hotmail will keep you cool this summer Windows Live Hotmail will keep you cool this summer

 Windows Live Hotmail Newsletter - June, 2007

stay connected to your e-mail on the
It's easy with Windows Live Hotmail for mobile

Did you know you can access your Hotmail account from your mobile phone? If you're always on-the-go, traveling this summer or simply addicted to e-mail...accessing Windows Live™ Hotmail® via mobile makes it easy for you to stay in touch with your friends and family! Plus, you can also instant message, blog, read the latest headlines, search the Web or get maps and directions by just visiting on your phone's Web browser. No matter your need, here's your chance to get what you need on the go.



need a brain break?
Play a game at Live Search Club.

Treat your mind to a fun distraction by playing a variety of free games—puzzles, trivia teasers, word scrambles, and more. Plus, every time you play you'll earn tickets that you can redeem for cool prizes. The more you play, the more you'll earn, and the more great stuff you'll be able to win!



finally some bugs you'll actually
Just another way to have fun with Windows Live

 Looking for a new way to bug out with your friends? Then have some fun with the FREE new emoticon bugs for Windows Live Messenger. There's a bug for your every mood and expression you want to share.



take charge of your inbox with a new
 custom filter
Windows Live Hotmail shows you how

Ready to tidy up your inbox? With the new custom filter feature in Hotmail, you can organize your incoming e-mail by setting up one or more e-mail filters to automatically put messages into your specified folders as they arrive. You can filter by all sorts of ways, including from address, from name, by subject, to or cc line, by topic, text, and more. Custom filters let you control what appears in your inbox, or goes directly to any of your folders, keeping you in-the-know and in charge!

you decide
Who were you most excited to watch at Live Earth on MSN? Here's what you said last month:


This month's poll

Which is your favorite Windows Live Hotmail Video?

Hot Male

Suspicious Male

Preview Pane
vote vote vote



Live Earth Concert for a Crisis
Enjoy the show - free!

It's show time! The Live Earth Concert for a Global Cause spanned six continents and included artists like Madonna, John Mayer, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and more. Don't miss your chance to watch videos for many of the songs performed at the Live Earth shows around the world—for free! MSN® is bringing you a free pass to view the shows live from your home. Now you can watch what you want when you like. Talk about VIP treatment with a global cause!



don't let e-mail scams get the best
 of you
Learn how to help protect yourself

 It's easy to be caught off-guard by fake e-mails, like the one that informs you that Bill Gates is handing out his millions if you just forward the e-mail. Then there's the one that insists your e-mail account will be shut down if you don't reply or forward the message instantly. Or, how about others that encourage you to provide personal information or financial data? It's important to learn how to recognize fake e-mails so you can help protect yourself while you're online.



make a difference now
Windows Live Messenger shows you how

 Now it's easy to help make a difference in the world. Every time you have an IM conversation using Windows Live Messenger 8.1, Microsoft® shares a portion of the program's advertising revenue with some of the world's most effective organizations dedicated to social causes. There's no catch and no fee. Simply select the organization of your choice, and each time you have an IM conversation you'll be helping to address the issues you feel most passionate about including: poverty, disease, children's health, environmental degradation, and animal protection.


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